Sketching JC Life with Rasika Boice

We've been admiring Rasika's amazing sketches depicting real life motherhood for quite a while. We finally got the chance to meet and learn more about the beauty behind the talent!

About Rasika's Jersey City.


My husband, daughter, and I have lived in JC or two years. We moved from Crown Heights, Brooklyn, when Kavi was about 5 months, in search of more space and a comparable commute to Manhattan, where we both work. The first place we looked at was the ground floor of a multi-family house, and the owners had a son who was a month older than Kavi. We knew right away we'd found our next home. We're all friends now, the littles and the parents, and although we've moved a few blocks away (bought a condo last year), we still see each other all the time. I feel very lucky to have found new friends and a new home all in one. 

There's so much to love about our neighborhood! We live on the border of McGinley and Journal Square, and are a short walk to Lincoln Park, which is such a gift. The restored water fountain and pond area are beautiful. The running and bike paths are also great—I'm excited to have a good place close by to teach Kavi to ride a bike—and there's also the farmers' markets (the tomatoes!). Square 1, at the corner of St. Paul and Liberty, is my favorite place to eat. They use the freshest ingredients—even have a veggie garden in the back—and you can tell everything is made with a lot of thought and love. Last spring they had a French omelet with ramps and cheese, and it's seriously one of the best things I've ever eaten. I can also feel a real buzz around art in the neighborhood. Not just wall murals but painted utility boxes and catch basins. I love that. And the historic Loews theater is another gem. So beautiful, and the events there always feel intimate and special. 

I like having Jersey City, Journal Square specifically, be our little secret. I'm afraid I've  said too much! 


More about Rasika and her Art.

I've been drawing pretty much my whole life. Some of my earliest memories are of drawing with my grandmother, who lived with us when I was little. She would sit with me for hours, showing me how to draw noses or cutting out drawings of food for my play kitchen. I remember a lot of paper hamburger patties and buns. I now do the same with my 2-year-old daughter, but it's paper bananas and Greek yogurt... Parents these days! 


As a mother, you're in your head a lot. Questioning how you handled that last tantrum, stressing over day care options, thinking of what to cook or do next. And I needed a way to release some of that. Sketching about raising a tiny human helps me understand it better. It's like a breath of fresh air plus the distance to see things more clearly. And I decided to start sharing the sketches on Instagram (@rwboice) because I liked the format of more straightforward, perhaps a bit sugarcoated, captions and then using the hashtags to add more layers to the story. The good, the bad, the ugly, the funny. My hope is that other mamas can relate to these moments, and feel a bit lighter after reading them, too. We're all doing our best! Even when we want to throw out the yogurt because OMG it is everywhere. 

What's in store for Rasika

When I first started sharing sketches on Instagram, my goal was simply to do 100 in a year (I'm at just over 50 now). The number was arbitrary, but I need deadlines, even for stuff I love, because life gets so busy, and I'm tired, and there's that new show on Netflix... It's too easy to NOT do anything “extra. ” 

But now that I'm halfway to 100, I'm sure I'll do more. It's become a habit and I love connecting with people. I'd also like to explore ways to support local businesses through my work, doing illustrations for their spaces or to help spread the word about what makes them great. And I'm thrilled to have found Finally Home, which is already doing so much to support JC. Looking forward to getting more involved!


All the Reasons to Love Jersey City Featured on HeyMama


Local Business Profile: Integrative Obstetrics, Hamilton Park, Jersey City